The film distributors of a film are responsible for getting the film out to its target audience. they deal with the aspects of attracting and addressing the target audience of the film.

Why Warp?
In order to decide witch distributor I wanted for our film I had to investigate and research. 
After attending the As study day at the study day at the British Film Institute on the 11th of February 2015, where I learnt all about Warp it was then decided that we would chose them to distribute our film opening as they have distributed film with similar genres.Warp was founded in 2001 and has an individual and unique brand. This was extremely appealing to me.An advantage to Warp also have their distribution network already working and is established.  They have a very distinct brand identity that is aimed somewhere between art-house and multiplex. Warps first feature was Dead Man’s Shoes. This feature was largely improvised as there was no shooting script, shot list and all creative decisions were made there and then. Also by them having a low budget and a committed cast and crew it allowed more room for creative freedom. 

Warps first film Dead Man's Shoes was released in 2004. It is a psychological thriller film, written and directed by Shane Meadows. The film was shot in three weeks of the summer of 2003. I thought it would be logical, exciting and realistic to study and investigate into Warp as they film their films in a short amount of time with a small budget and this is very similar to how we are filming our film opening. 

Firstly I though the best place to start my research would be the Film Distributors Association Website www.launchingfilms.com.

In order to gain a greater understand of how film distirubuton works I looked at and researched two case studies, one large Hollywood blockbuster and one smaller indie film:

Hunger Games- Hollywood Blockbuster 

I investigated and did research into how other companys distribue  their brand to their targeted audience.  I noticed when looking into how the Hunger Games Mocking Jay part 1 that they used the sites, FacebookTwitter, youtube and an official website to do so. 

When creating my own film opening I am also going to create a Facebook and Twitter account to distribute information to our fans. 

Here is a case study I created on slide share of the Hunger Games Mocking Jay part 1 and how the film was distributed
Click Here to view my Slide Share on The Hunger Games

Tortoise in Love- Indi Film

When I investigated into the distribution strategies of this film I realised how small the films budget was as it was one village (in Oxfordshire) creating this film. The British Film Institute helped to distribute this film by providing money for P&A. Although more money was still needed so a mini-mogul scheme was set up for local investors , mainly small local businesses. 
When it came to the film being released only a few cinemas in the Uk showed the film Tortoise in Love. so, the village had a different approach altogether. they screened their film in small venues mainly village halls all over the country, it was a risk to screen the film this way as it was up to the viewers to then tell their friends and encourage others to see the film. 

After investigating into the distribution of Tortoise in Love I researched and studied the BFI website and looked at other distribution method, and how there are schemes that the BFI has to help small budgeted films with distribution.

The Film Distributors Association Website:

During class we investigated the Film Distributors Association Website, explaining the film industry, distribution and marketing. 
We watched the film presentation. 
After watching the clip I had learnt that, firstly the distributer must decided what accepts of the film will attract the audience for example what genre is it going to be. The producer has the initial idea of the film and who sees it all the way through to distribution. 

Mark Batey states clearly what the role of the distributors is, 'launching films to audiences, delivering cinema goers to cinemas, by going film by film week by week'.


  1. Let's make time on Monday to go over this?

  2. You have now updated all your research that you conducted: the FDA site, www.launchingfilms,com., the BFI Study Day, case studies of 'The Hunger Games' and 'Tortoise in Love'. Good work!
