Sunday, 12 October 2014


Today I looked at the title sequence of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as research and inspiration for my film opening.

This films genre is thriller/crime. We can see this from the title sequence as the music is an upbeat fast song with a strong drum beat. This fits well with the fast camera work that consists mainly of panning shots and extreme close ups.

The opening also has a metalic tone as through out the majority of the sequence it is only black and white apart from the use of fire in the middle of the sequence. This creates excitement in the audience as is suddenly derastically  changes from black and white to a bright orange.

Through out the sequence there is a black liquid that is poured over different objects. As black connotes evil and suffering it is seen as blood like and represents death, telling the audience that the film is going to be violent.

Following on with the black and white theme, the font it all consistent and in white. It is very clear to read as it comes up on  a black background.

The mis-en-scene in this opening is dark and misterious as there are flashes of light almost like lightening, with the black liquid covering objects. This makes the audience wonder what is to come in the film as it is not clear at the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. You have noticed the nightmarish quality of black ooze that coats and suffocates all surfaces in the dark and relentless world of the girl with the dragon tattoo. You draw attention to the enigma and drama. You could write in much more detail to achieve level 4 marks. You are clearly capable of doing so.
